Sunday, May 31, 2009'll be in my heart

It was great to spend a year with you
Though there're tears and anger
But still, there're laugh and joy

It's started with no one I know
Grow with some peeps I like
And end with everyone I love

Sorry that maybe I can't be fun everyday
Sorry for my anger sometimes
Sorry that sometimes I seems to not care

But you're all just like tatoo
Which I can keep forever
Even just a little one

I can't ever forget
Everyday we passed
It was great

Love you X6
good luck for exam week!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Terkadang orang terlalu sibuk dengan urusan atau kehidupan orang lain. Sampe semuanya yang berhubungan dengan orang itu kita cari cari, kita korek korek. Ya jaman sekarang, gampangnya kita bisa ngorek ngorek informasi tentang orang yang kita pengen tau lewat internet. Facebook misalnya, atau blog misalnya, mutliply maybe, atau yang lagi in deh twitter. Di bukain satu satu tuh webnya, duduk berjam jam cuma pengen liat perkembangannya ini anak gimana sih. Dan gak jarang kita ngelakuin hal itu karena satu hal, yaitu 'iri'.

Jujur aja ada satu orang yang gue sering liat perkembangannya, buat sekedar fun aja. Ketawa ketawa aja ngeliat dia ngelakuin sesuatu dengan hasil hasil fotonya. Ya berarti gue ga beda sih ya dengan orang yang ngelakuin hal itu ke gue. Tapi jujur aja, orang yang gue sering liatin ini bukan orang yang gue benci. Ya suka juga nggak, tapi benci juga nggak. Iseng aja nggak ada kerjaan hehe. Abis bosen sih hidup gue flat banget akhir akhir ini.

If there're anybody who stalking me, then what should I do? I do nothing! Kalo misalnya mereka suka sama gue, ya berarti bagus dong. Maybe they're want to see apa yang terjadi sama gue setiap harinya, pengen liat perkembangan hidup gue. Berarti mereka mau belajar suatu hal dari gue ya walaupun gue juga ga jago jago amat ngejalanin hidup ini. I did lots of mistakes. And I know I'll do more tapi gue berusaha untuk nggak. Dan kalo misalnya mereka nggak suka sama gue gimana? Yaaaa...... bete sih. Gue curahan hati gitu sama Alwin. Bete banget nih, penting banget apa ya gue sampe mereka niat banget baca bacain blog gue and do follow my twitter. Gak masalah sih, mereka juga nggak tau apa yang sebenernya terjadi. They just see what they really want to see, but not the real fact. Fine for me.

I tell you, I'm not a 'somebody'. Akhir akhir ini gue menjadi sangat introvert. I pull myself from crowd. I don't like a crowd. I love peace and quite. I like to go out by myself. Watch movies by myself. But still, I love my friends. Time flies so fast when I'm with them. But, I don't really need too much person around me if they just want to bother me. Seriously. Gue ngerasa sangat nyaman dengan diri gue sendiri. I do what I want to do, and not in purpose that you could see me.

Ah I'm typing to much.

Please, read this. I need you all to read this. I don't like you if you don't like me. It's as simple as that.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Drawing...... and cannot stop

Hari ini gue bangun jam 12 lewat 10. Kaget juga sih. Karena biasanya kalo udah jam 10 gue akan memaksakan diri untuk bangun walaupun masih ngantuk, karena gue tau sebenernya itu bukan ngantuk tapi males. Tapi tadi gue bangun jam 12 lewat. Pertamanya gue bangun jam 8-an gitu tapi karena berfikir akan tidur sebentar lagi dan akan terbangun pukul 9 atau 10 ya gue tidur lagi lah. Eh taunya mimpi macem-macem dan berakhir kebangun jam 12 lewat. Itu juga gue ngerasa pusing dan males malesan gitu. Tapi gue paksain bangun dan ngaca ke kamar mandi. Muka gue disaster banget.

Idung gue perih gara gara gue lap pake tisu mulu gara gara gue lagi flu nih. Mata gue makin bulet aja. Makin bengkak sih tepatnya. Rambut gue acak acakkan kaya tidur sambil garuk garuk rambut. Garuk kepala maksudnya. Bibir gue berdarah gara gara terlalu kering tapi kayaknya gue terlalu telat bangun sampe akhirnya darah di bibir gue kering juga jadi merah tua yang kalo gue basahin pake ludah jadi perih. Bener bener deh nih. Penampilan gue disaster banget.

Kemaren gue abis ambil nilai pagelaran. Ya gitu deh, gak ada yang special kok hehehe. Semalem gue nangis nangisan sambil gambar gambar. Tau nih otak gue bego banget. Giliran lagi nangis nangisan malah niat gambar gue oke banget. Punya sejuta ide kayaknya nih hahaha. Ya jadi semalem gue gambar gambar gitu. Niatnya cuma mau bikin gambar kecil aja eh gak bisa berhenti sampe setengah halaman A4 full. Abis deh tuh isi pensil gue.

Kenapa gue nangis? Kenapa coba? Kenapa ya? Lupa gue juga.

Duh salah banget nih gue bangun kesiangan trus tidur sambil nangis. Pusing banget sekarang + mata burem + hidung tersumbat + badan lemas. Ngapa ngapain gak enak nih :-(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

When the world spins madly on

I'm sick. Well, I guess I'm sick. I coughed from 8 pm till I get sleep and when I woke up at 5, my flu is haunting my nose. Does it sounds that I'm sick? Let's continue in Indonesia, cause I just realize that no one's reading my blog then so do I need to complicate myself? But, my other posts which in English wasn't in purpose that so anyone could read it. I just want to improve my english. But, it's still bad I guess. Okay, start with Indonesia.

Sebentar lagi kenaikan kelas. So, it means gue bakalan jadi murid kelas 11 di sekolah gue (name it SMAN 21). Excited? Nggak juga sih. Cuma seneng aja. Kenapa seneng? Jadi....... gue akan segera lulus dari sekolah itu. Yeay, two years left. Satu tahun telah berlalu. Gak ada yang special. Just have lots of new friends. I guess I like my class. They're really good. Walaupun gue suka marah-marah di kelas. Hahahahaha. Sorry......gak ada maksud serius kok. Just kidding braw. Hahahaha apasih gue.

Ada bad news. Sakti (friend of Alwin) kecelakaan. Ya pokoknya kecelakaan motor dan gitu deh ceritanya. Gue males nyeritain lewat sini. Kasian banget deh dia pokoknya. So, you who read this please help him. Pray for him. Your prayer means a lot! Semoga dia lekas sembuh dan kembali ke keadaan semua even better. He is a good boy though. And a very best friend for Alwin.

Gue selalu ngarepin Alwin bisa a little bit romantic. Just like the other guys on this planet. Maybe he could say that I'm beautiful and mean it. Tanpa harus gue minta (okay najis ya gue ngarep dipuji. Bodo amat deh pacar sendiri ini). But, when he does it.... euwww gue ngerasa aneeeeeeh banget. Hahaha. Mungkin karena gak biasa kali ya. So, what's the point of writing this thing? Ah sumpah gue nggak jelas banget.

By the way, I drove a motorcycle!!!!!! Dari tempat les (bintang pelajar) ke rumah gue!!!! Naik motornya Firman gitu deh. Pertamanya takut takut gitu. Ya trus, tetep takut sih sampe rumah hahaha. Mana gue kelilipan pula. Oh iya, gue nggak bisa belok! Hahahaha. Bukannya nggak bisa sih, tapi tangan gue kaku kalo belok gitu. Trus gue tuh kalo bawa motor tuh tangannya pegel gitu soalnya kaku. Katanya firman sih gitu. Ya pokoknya gue deg-degan, gemeteran, kelilipan deh selama bawa motor. It's my record! Hehehehe.

Udah ah, besok mau jenguk Sakti dan mau nonton Angels and Demons sama Alwin my honey bunny sweety sugar cakes (lo ngerasa jijik gak sih win gue panggil gitu? Gue sih jijik manggil lo gitu hahahahaha). Besok may cari hardcase buat hp baru aaaaaaah. Hehehehe. New laptop, new cellphone, so what's next?

Oh iya, om gue baru beli Mercedez Benz Tiger in yellow colour. Is that cool? Hahahahaha. Ex orang golkar gitu makanya kuning. Do I have mentioned this? Kalo udah ya maaf-maaf aja. His car is soooooooooo bright! Hehehehe. Bye bye.


Monday, May 18, 2009

New fresh layout

I changed my layout, I know the colors are very bright, but I like it! By the way, last Thursday I joined seminar about Fonty's University at Eindhoven. Although the seminar is not really interesting but, it makes me really wanna go to Eindhoven soon. It was really sounds interesting. Live by yourself. It's really interesting. Netherlands, ooooh here I come!

Another by the way, I got a new phoooooone last Sunday (May 10th). It's Blackberry Curve 8310. I know many peeps are using this phone. But, I like it. I don't care if someone says I only following the trend. Do I care to your cellphone? So, better you don't take a serious care to mine :p
And I'm asking alwin to change his phone to be like mine, so we can chat all day loooong. Hahaha.

June 1st will be the first time for my UAS. Wish me luck everybody. I really wish I could get the best mark I've ever get. I have to reach Science!

By the way, my dad stop calling me. But, I'm feeling quite guilty. Sorry dad, I'll text you. I promise!

Another good news. Alwin just gave me a birthday present!!!!!!!! Yeay. I'm lovin it. I know you are the best man in my life! I got wedges from him. It looks very cute, with flower on it's back. Thank you for the gift. I love you so much! (please don't ever think that I'm materialistic).

Wedges from Alwin!

Enough for today I guess
Thing that I want to buy right now is
A full hardcase for my phone
So it will decrease the damage to my phone if it's fall down
Bye bye readers


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When my friends would die to get her/his father back, I prefer to let him go. Sorry, you're just not invited to come back to my life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



terus? yaudah gapapa sih. hahahaha. the last time he did it, it was 2 years ago. yaaaa i felt shocked aja when his number appears on my cellphone. ya udah gitu aja sih hahaha.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Besok adalah ulangan biologi. Gue sekarang lagi asik-asiknya memandangi tulisan-tulisan di buku catatan mengenai Mollusca sampe Mammalia. Anjir, banyak banget. Gak cukup otak gue rasanya buat nampung semuanya. By the way, last Saturday I watched "Watchmen" which is regretful. The movie was awfull. Oh nothing I can explain more, it's just totally failed movie! And I feel dumb enough to watch it. It was disaster! Spent 35.000 rupiahs for nothing. I even cant wait the time to out from the cinema.

Last Sunday, I went to Senayan City (again, which Saturday I went there too). I bought three tee(s) from Giordano. SALE UP TO 50%. Yaaa.... Lumayan lah. I bought 3 for only 237.000 rupiahs. It wasn't 'only' actually. Hmm.... I'm in love with TUTTI FRUTTI! It's a frozen yoghurt but you can take it as much as you can, it came in 8 flavours. After you take the yoghurt, you equal it. It costs 1500 per 10 gr. And I got discount for 20% yipee! But I don't really like the toppings. They're all sucks.

I saw a pretty bag from It comes in purple and it's fringe! I'm lovin it. But the price is 205.000 rupiahs. I only got 400.000 rupiahs for this month from my mom, so I definitely can't afford it. Poor me. There're lots of things that I want to buy, but there's no money left. Poor me, again.

Alwin still haven't given me the birthday gift yet (my birthday is 7th April). I asked him to buy me a pair of sandals which I dont have. I only got lots of pump flats, I think I need sandals too. By the way, I ordered PVC legging from Misel (my senior high school friend). But she didn't come to school today because she was sick. Let's hope she's getting well and tomorrow she can come to school and bring that thing. Let's hope. By the way, my mom will pay for this legging. Ok mom? Since you haven't given me anything for last 4 months!

Huh, I'm so talk active rite now huh? I need to go back to biology stuff. Pray for me so I can do the test well tomorrow. I need a great score for this test. Oh God, help me. I'm counting on You.


Friday, May 1, 2009

My lovely Alwin drives a car

Go out to Kemang with Alwin and his friends. I really love today. All the laughs, and the atmosphere between me and Alwin. Far from fight so we just laugh all the time. Thank God we're not arguing again. I miss him, just too much until my stomach sick. When we arrived at my home, I hugged him very tight. But he didn't let me hug him too long. His friends were waiting in his car. Oh yeah, finally he drives a car. Another finally....

I wish that he could go to my home every weekend, so I have no time to miss him. Missing someone that you're really fall into is hurtful.

Today, we took some photos but they're in Rahma's cam. I really waiting for the taging ;-)

Lotsa smiles and laughs today
Can't wait for the next meeting with Alwin. Huhuhu :'(
