Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Belajarlah dari dvd yang anda tonton!

Halo semuanya. I'm back. I don't really care about Google AdsSense, so i'm going to post this in Indonesian.

Sebentar lagi 2010 dateng. Gw merasa 2009 agak lebih lama dari berjalan dari 2008. Mungkin karena beberapa hal yang terjadi di 2009 kurang ngenakin dan 2008 is much better than 2009. Ya namanya juga hidup. Kadang oke kadang nggak. Kadang enjoy, kadang nggak. Untung gw selalu belajar sesuatu. Kalo idup gw mulai acak-acakan dan banyak ngeluh, buru-buru nonton dvd. Dvd drama semacam Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Juno, 500 days of summer, Julie & Julia, so on.

Kenapa nonton dvd? Simpel aja, gw selalu belajar dari film yang gw tonton. Kebetulan barusan gw abis nonton Juno. Dang! Sebelum nonton Juno gw adalah makhluk yang HBL total then, after I watched Juno, langsung jadi cuek bebek sama yang namanya urusan jodoh. I don't feel so lucky in 2009 so then, wait until 2010. Gw juga bingung kenapa gw ngomongin jodoh mulu. Mungkin karena everybody needs somebody. Am I right?

Anyway, 2010 is coming. Mudah-mudahan di tahun 2010 nanti gw akan:
  • Rajin solat. Rajin puasa. Rajin dzikir. Rajin baca qur'an. Mendekatkan diri ke Allah SWT. Sukur-sukur kalo udah dikasih kekuatan hati untuk pake jilbab. Amin.
  • Lancar jodoh. Yang kurus, tinggi, ganteng, pinter, jago main gitar, bisa nyanyi, punya band, bertanggung jawab, tidak sombong, dan rajin menabung.
  • Serius ikut les graphic design + les gitar. Biar punya banyak kerjaan jadi gak ngerepotin mamak minta diajak ke sency mulu.
  • Punya banyak temen yang menerima saya apa adanya. Yang enjoy diajak kemana aja. Yang bisa diajak fun bareng. Yang bisa diajak susah bareng juga. Yang asik-asik lah pokoknya.
  • Pindah rumah ke deket rumahnya Vania yang minimalis tapi kamarnya gede-gede supaya di dalem kamar bisa dibikin kolam renang kecil-kecilan.
  • Ngurangin asal ngomong, lebih serius dalam segala urusan.
  • Kurangin males. Banyakkin rajin.
  • Kurangin utang. Banyakkin uang.
  • Sekian
Pokoknya moto hidup gw : Belajarlah dari dvd drama yang anda tonton.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best friends night out

Another hang out time with old friends feels so damn good. Spent the last day of saturday night on 2009 with best friends was such a good time. Took lots of photo yesterday. Had lots of laugh. And swore a thousand time :p Best friends time is the best time in 2009 for me. Totally.

So what's your new year's resolution?

Me? More laugh and less cry. More friend and less enemy. New boyfriend of course :p Good mark on school stuff. Hopefully, can get into some competition about art and design. And so whatsoever.

So what's another thing I'm going to write? I don't really know.

Just lemme spend this Sunday with peace at home.

Love ya!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Go check them out

Yesterday hung out with Hummingbird. Quite fun. Just check them out They have two new songs. Very good! You should've listen. Or maybe come to their show sometimes. Have fun with their songs. I'm out ppl!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday and it's stuff

I'm feeling like post something about holiday.

In my dictionary. It means: a perfect time to spend with your closest people and do some things fun.

And the fact of holiday is: boring.
Well, not really. But.... I spend most of my holiday at home just watching some lame dvd(s). Hmm, I do some hang out (mostly with my mom) and it's quite fun. But I want vacation! I want to do some trip. I don't care which it's in this country or even better out. I want to go to the beach or mountain (Erm, I prefer beach). Well, I've spent many many many days at home and in this beautiful holiday, can I spend at another place? Okay, you can't El.

Thank God, tomorrow I have something to do. Me and my friends (err, actually not my friends because I don't know them) from Bintang Pelajar will go to Kandang Jurang Doank. We're going to do some sport activities. I hope it's going to be fun even I'm going with the unknown. It's like, I'm going with bunch of people I don't know. But, I don't really care. I can make friends. Can't I? Yes, you can El. Beside that, I still have my best friends (iPod and Blackberry).

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6 a.m. and now I haven't felt sleepy yet. I still want to do some things with my laptop. I'm starving but I can't eat at this time. I ate so many things today, I can't eat another food at night. Because I'll grow bigger and bigger and at one point I'll explode. Duar!

About my single-ness. I'm not jealous of anyone who has a boyfriend, but my mom. At night she's always call my dad and it makes me jealous a thousand times. D'oh!

Enough for today. Hope this week is going to be a nice week. 2010 is coming, everyone! Can't wait. Really can't wait. I always excited for new year :3

Bye friends!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's like I'm extremely bored and all I can do is just draw this stupid CUPFACE

Friday, December 18, 2009

Loads of crap is what I wrote about

I'm thinking about doing something with my blog. Doing something a bit meaningful. I mean not just writing about some craps and some of my daily activities who actually not really fun. I want to write more. Something more inspiring. Something more fun.

I'm doing this blogging thing for like almost two years. But I've lost my first blog. I accidentally clicked the delete option. Which I really regret. It's so me. I put everything into it. My good times, my bad times, my ex lover, my whole world. I can write 10-20 posts a month. Isn't it cool? But now I realize that I wrote 10-20 nonsenses a month.

It's like I had nothing to do, then I wrote crap on my blog.

Like this time.

Gosh, I need to think what subject I can write about. A cool one.

But what? Hello?

Please somebody, tell me an idea. An idea about what am I going to write in this lame blog. Fyuh, I guess I'm bad at writing. Should I just delete this blog instead?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

You Know Who

1-st question. Priorities in your life:

2-nd question:
Cute --> implies your own personality
Lazy --> implies personality of your partner
Stink --> implies the personality of you enemies
Relaxing --> it is how you interpret sex
Waves --> implies your own life

3-rd question:
Vania --> Someone you will never forget
Franz --> Someone you consider your true friend
You-Know-Who --> Someone that you really love
Ellen --> Your twin soul
Nadia --> Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life


Saturday, December 12, 2009

They got no clue

If they're older than you, doesn't mean that they're wiser than you.

Well, something happened and it's not like what we wanted.
Some people acted the way that you don't like.
Some people acted really bitchy.
Some people messed your life.
But that's how this life works.

You need to settle down you feeling.
Just take a deep breathe and lose it.
Let stupid people do their own business --> Ruining your life.
Let stupid people do their own business --> Shouting you the bad word that actually refers to herself/himself.

Stupid people cursing you the bad words that actually describe themselves.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Just got back from Training Camp and I got no picture to post cause I didn't bring my camera. By the way, I got so many scars on my body. Yeah, some scratches and my bones feel extremely hurt when I swing them.

The training camp was so damn great and I'm feeling like miss those moments. But honestly, I don't miss the bathing session. I do love my own bathroom. But I want another basketball time, another team time, another outbound time. For God's sake, I miss those. Fyi, my team got the best team. We got the first winner and got the gold medals (fake one :p).

How's life? Not so great because of my exam's score. Screw it. Like I care of those mark? Seriously, don't. If I can, I would choose the remedial things. I don't even study for that thing. Please, I was studying so hard for my exam, do I need to study harder for remedial? My brain has reach its limit ya know. Stop talking about school. School is sick. I just come for wasting my unimportant times.

How's love life? Well, I don't have anyone now. And I have no crush to anyone. And it feels great. Well, I guess I just wait until someone come to my face and tell me how much he loves me. Sounds great huh? Just pray for me, I'll have someone soon :p Someone who's totally great for me.

Well, that's all I want to write about. Nothing important by the way. I just need to take more times to sleep. 24 hours more, I guess.

See ya readers. (Well, I hope I have some people who I may call "readers")
