Friday, April 23, 2010

Please, stop biting your nails

dear you,
thanks for sitting next to me everyday
thanks for sharing your earphone
thanks for making my photo as your phone wallpaper
thanks for letting me write "ellya cantik" on your hand
thanks for letting me write "ellya cantik" as your profile
thanks for letting me punch your stomache everyday
also for letting me harm you just because i enjoy doing it :p

thanks for driving me anywhere i ask
thanks for teaching me about math and physic
thanks for giving me those stupid and sweet smiles
thanks for letting me kidnap your phone for couple of hours
thanks for teaching me how to play "going away to college" by guitar
also for forcing you to play baby - justin bieber on tap tap revenge

i love your scent, even it mixed with the smell of cigar & smoke
i love your hair, even its kinda messy
i love your tall body, even you cannot stand up straight
i love your thin foot, even there are too many mark on it
i love your smile, wheter you showing your teeth or not

one thing i'm asking you is just...
stop biting your nails.

thank you,
i love you

Monday, April 19, 2010

Am I worth for the wait?

what if? the one that you love is belong to someone else?
what if? your best girl in love with someone who loves you?
what if? you are in denial with yourself?

i hate to admit that i'm in self denial. i know it, i feel it, even worse, i chose it. i made some boundaries that i couldn't even obey. my head twisting. you were like the coolest thing on earth but i'm afraid to touch you even just the tip of your nose. i'm afraid for making the wrong movement. but truthfully, i'm afraid of get hurt twice.

reminiscing the old days, back then i used to cry, a lot, about some shit that really unnecessary, i'm afraid it'll happen, more and more or worse and worse. i was young and stupid back then, but if i let myself to fall again, do i even change to be more mature or i drag myself to the same hole?

if i'm asking you to wait, would you wait for me? am i worth for the wait?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


mungkin bukan malam ini
yah, walaupun juga bukan kemarin

kita manusia punya banyak kemauan
walau kadang tak masuk akal adanya

aku lelah ada diantara
tetapi memilihpun sulit

hanya takut yang dirasa
walau sepi kian meradang

iya, ini jatuh cinta namanya

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Caffeine drives me insane

I told you.
I like you.
But, I'm not in love with you.
I like you.
Till' the maximum level.
I want to be with you.
But just next to you.
Not as your girl.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for understanding.

note : just tried the fish eye effect with ma peephole. kinda cute, i guess.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


birth-day means the day when you were born, and you keep on celebrating it for every year.
and here it comes to mine,
actually it was a couple of days ago, april 7th 2010.
and it was the best day that i could ever wished for.

i came to school as usual and having some chit chat with my friends as usual, but suddenly, all my class mates were seems like ignoring me. good, i was all alone. i almost cry to death but i know they did that on purpose, so i have to keep my cool. muahahaha!

time passed and school's time was over, my class mates were still ignoring me so i decided to go home sooner than usual, but suddenly, wina came to me and removed my glasses. oh this is not good! mega held my hand and my friends were all over me and they put something to cover up my face so i can't see through that thing. oh my goodness!

my friends took me to abank's motorcycle and they forced me to get on that thing, which i did it. abank took me to some places with his motorcycle which i don't know where because yeah, my face was still covered up by 'something-i-don't-know'. after 10 minutes or more, finally we arrived at a small park near my school and my friends were there singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". i was extremely happy!

they bought me a cake, which is super delicious! but then........... ella throw me an egg. yeah, my face was covered up with eggs, flour, and many things which i'm not sure.

but that was f-u-n. the best birthday ever.

my surprise wasn't only that.
my junior high school's friends came to my house at 9 and sang "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" with mask on their face and candle on their head. it was a surprisingly creative!
they bought me sushi which they made like 17 shape.
such a cute 'cake'.

how can i not like you april 7th?

i'm not going to make a wishlist or birthday resolution but i have another b^day surprise to tell you about

when i was having my birthday party, my friend forced me to came into my room and waited there, which i did it too.
then, when i came out from my room.............
there was a huge box in front of my room, and my friends were singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
when i opened up that box
voila! there was a man inside, and he is abank! he was holding a monkey doll and it was so cute. thank you friends! me loves ya!
this is too sweet :')

i swear i love this year's birthday
this is the sweetest seventeen that a teen ever wished for

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How I Miss Blogger!

long time no write! kangen sekali sama blogspot. kangen ber lebay lebay disini. sekarang jadi jarang ngepost lagi nih huhuhu. sibuk sekali hidup gw lately. udah gitu modem flash juga kandas dibawa si kakak sepupu bernama alfia. jadi ya jarang menyentuh internet dengan laptop. kalo lewat bb mah lanjut teruuuuus. by the way, sekarang kepala gw lagi puyeng banget. darah rendah lagi menyerang. rasanya dahsyat banget aduh aduh.

what date today? april the 3rd! wow, 4 hari menuju sweet tujuhbelasan-nya si ellya nuraisyah! 7 april, gw makin tua setahun, semakin deket sama dunia universitas. dapet ktp, sim, paspor, sama atm sendiri. gw gak merasa begitu spesial, tapi seneng aja udah mau 17 sebentar lagi. semoga pas 7 april hari itu menjadi hari yang menyenangkan. hari hari sebelumnya cukup menyenangkan kok. ya tapi semoga 7 april lebih menyenangkan lagi. dapet banyak ucapan, kado, kejutan, hehehe ngarep banget.

btw, currently i like someone. ya he's the nicest of all. baik-nya keterlaluan. orangnya pinter. ya udah, cuma 2 hal itu doang sih yang bikin gw demen. i told him already that i like him. ya responnya dia diem aja biasa aja. fine for me. i just want to tell him. semakin hari gw jadi semakin gatau malu dan semakin blak blak-an jadi orang. lagian, keeping that feeling is hurting me inside, i prefer let it out. ya gw ngomongnya gak lebay juga. cuma blg "i like you, end of story". i'm not asking for more. if he likes me back, ya alhamdulillah. if he doesn't, ya gapapa. i'm fine :--)

how's school? duh don't talk about that deh. i have no excitement to go to school except to meet my friends. bahkan gw gapernah bawa buku lagi ke sekolah. cuma bawa laptop, bekel, hp, dompet, kunci rumah, anduk kecil. cukup. no books. kadang juga kelupaan bawa bolpen. kacau.

sumpah lagi excited banget sama dunia kuliahan. antara prancis atau belanda nih. gabisa diceritain disini segimana excited-nya. pokoknya excited banget. udahlah, see you on the next post. gw harus melakukan hal hal yang lain dulu nih mumpung ketemu internet. hihihi. bye all ;)
