Monday, August 31, 2009

The deepest secret

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
Here is the root of the root
And the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky
Of a tree called life
Which grows higher than
The soul can hope
Or mind can hide
And this is the wonder
That's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart
I carry it in my heart

I Carry Your Heart With Me - E. E. Cummings
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

I won't make it

Its over for us
I drove for 100 miles
And now I'm stuck
There's no U turn
So I just need to stop

When April comes
Just tell your mom
That I can't make it
I won't be there
For another birthday

Sing for me now
Until your one last breathe
Just sing with me
For one last word
Until I get sleep

When the end of December comes
Just tell your mom
That I won't be there
I can't be with you
For another new years eve

Sing for me now
Until your one last breathe
Just sing with me
For one last word
Until I get sleep

And I know when December comes
I'm sure you won't be here
I know you're not coming
If its just a birthday

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A good friend of mine
Diniella Putirani Muchtar

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everything happens for a reason

Once a wise woman said "Tuhan itu adil dengan nggak selalu mengabulkan apa yang kita minta. Kalo si A minta panas, si B minta hujan, nanti bingung kan jadinya gimana."

It made me think, maybe he asks God to let his feeling to me gone. Maybe he asks God to seperate our love. Maybe that what he wants.
So if I want if we back, it can't be. Nggak bakalan nyambung.

Jadi sekarang mending terima aja apa yang ada.

Kalo katanya Amanda Bynes "I'm a type of person who believe that everything happens for a reason, and at a time, and it supposed to be like that."

Jadi kaya judul blog gue yang dulu "Everything happens for a reason."


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Monday, August 24, 2009


Kamu gak suka pisang
Kamu sukanya warna biru
Kamu gak begitu suka cewe yang poninya rata
Kamu sukanya cewe rambut pendek
Kamu kalo tidur lampunya nyala
Bukan karena takut
Tapi enak aja
Kamu kalo tidur bantalnya dua
Satu dibawah kepala
Satu diatas kepala
Biar kamu gak suka pisang
Atau malah takut sama pisang
Tapi kamu suka sirup pisang susu
Karena kata kamu ga ada rasa pisangnya
Kamu gak berani ngelewatin toko buah yang pisangnya digantung
Tapi kalo sunpride gak apa apa
Karena gak ada baunya, menurut kamu
Kamu kalo beli apa apa biasanya nabung dulu
Tapi pengen juga sih langsung dibeliin sama bapak
Kamu yang paling deket sama Ridwan
Kamu kalo makan pasti nasinya banyak banget tapi lauknya dikit
Kamu sering banget minum air putih
Kamu tapi gak doyan sayur
Tapi kamu suka wortel kok
Kamu belom pernah makan anggur, rambutan, dan beberapa buah lainnya
Walaupun buah itu wajar sebenernya
Tapi kamu pernah makan pisang
Sekali doang
Waktu kecil
Kamu paling ganteng kalo pake polo shirt biru tua

There're too many things I want to write about you
Things that I've learnt about you for a year and half

Saturday, August 22, 2009


If now you're gone with someone else
Let me know
I want to tell her some things about you

Biarpun aku gak afal ukuran baju kamu
Tapi aku tau yang cocok buat warna kulit kamu
Biarpun aku gak afal ukuran sepatu kamu
Tapi aku tau yang mana yg kamu lagi pengen
Biar aku gak hafal minus kamu berapa
Tapi aku tau kacamat yang cocok buat muka kamu

Biar aku gak bisa masak
Tapi aku tau kamu suka makanan apa
Biarpun kamu gak ngasih tau aku
Tapi aku tau apa yang kamu lg rasain

So for your new girl,
Tell her to meet me
To learn how to know you better
To learn how to love you better than I did

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Man in My Life

We talk just once a week
Only one day
At one time

You won't say hello to me
At least I told you first
You won't ask how am I
At least I asked you first

Do I looked too gorgeous
Until you can't stand to be next to me
Do I too valueable
Until you think you can't have me easily

Oh yeah,
You're not worth it
I wasn't made for you by God

In life
I know I'm going to meet some jerks
It starts with you
And maybe another jerks
Another one
Another one

It won't stop
Until I found a man
For me
Who worth it

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gatot = Gagal Total

review hari ini

pergi ke pim.
niatnya mau nonton merah putih. kenyataannya : gak jadi.
nyetir mobilnya dhimas.
baru keluar parkir. udah ngelecetin mobil orang.
untung mobil dhimas gapapa.
mau ke gandaria nih.
padahal gak nyasar tuh.
tapi bego tinggal belok kiri.
malah muter balik.
arteri pondok indah macet.
nyampe stroberi kafe.
hari sabtu ga ada jumanji.
dan tempatnya : GAKENAK!
pulang nih.
mau ke tameng.
gak jadi dong. dhimas gaboleh pulang malem2.
maunya ke mcD duren sawit aja.
gak jadi juga.
nganter febbi pulang deh.
muter-muter rumah febbi jauh bener.
ujung dunia.
akhirnya, sampe rumah.
tapi rasanya kaya ngga abis dari mana-mana

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Two Thousand and Eight

a week passed
and we're keep on silent
we keep our mouth shut
without any word come out

i don't dial your number
i don't write any letter
i lost you
i miss you
but you don't

is that so hard to become a friend?
is that so hard to be your friend?
i guess i used to be your love
so it will be easy to be your friend
but i'm wrong

what a year?
i got a blackberry
i got a notebook
i got braces
but i lost you

what a year?
oh how i miss 2008

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 19!

What date today? It's August 10th
I'm looking to my house
From the entrance door
Ha! I remember when you gave me a birthday mouse

Next, living room
Remember when we used to sit and sleep?
On my white comfy sofa

I'm heading to family room
The tv that we were starring at when new year eve ('09)
Haha I'm smiling

Then I met my dining table
Don't you remember when you ate 4 plates at one time?
I'm wondering how big your tummy is

Finally my little stairs in my garage
I feel butterflies in my stomach
The memory of your kiss
And the warmness of your hug
I kept them in mind

Happy 19!

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Another Break Up

I hold my breath
I saw you in my dream
You told me that we're back
Just like we used to

Just too far
We can't reach
Just too far
I don't get it

My dream continued
We saw a movie in the cinema
You kissed me gently
And hold my cold hand

Just too far
We can't reach
Just too far
I don't get it

We were heading home
And you whispered me
You wanted to break up
And you asked me to get out

Just too far
We can't reach
Just too far
I don't get it
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another Drama

A boy walked into my life and it's you
You asked me out to met at the first time
You said that you have to see me in the eyes
I accepted and we met
I still remember the blue shirt you wore

8 days passed and you asked me that
You told me the it sentence
Three words, eight letters
You told me that and I'm officially yours

We had our laughs and our smile
Even we had our tears but it don't matter
As long that we're together
Stick together on your motorcycle
And we're taking picture on it

Just remember the first kiss that you gave
Short and memorable, I'll keep it in mind
And also every hugs that we shared
When you want to walked away from my home
On my little stairs in my garage

Wake up girl, now we're over
We're not the same like we used to
We don't even laugh again, not even a little smile
I guess you just too tired to see me
You get bored of seeing me for one year and a half

And the last kiss we had was the first kiss that I ever gave
And every time I watched a romantic movie, my stomach hurts
But my heart feels more hurt
I guess we're just like them, in love, fight, and back in love

Now, you're gone so far
I texted you, but you don't want to reply. I know you hate me
But I don't know where's my wrong?
This is not a story
This is a life

Sooner or later you will come to me again
And we'll replay all the things we ever did
And correct the wrong part, boy

Java Rocking Land

Today was exhausting but amusing! Oh how I love seeing others people on stage. Thank God I have my boy friends and also Sakti. He really is my savior. Sumpah Sakti oke punya! Jempol (Y)
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bukan Jalan yang Dulu

Saat mata memandang keluar jedela.
Rekaman kita mulai berjalan.
Disitu kamu berkata.
Kita memang sudah sejalan.
Ingin aku tak percaya.
Memang kita tak sejalan.
Hingga malam aku terjaga.
Melongok keluar bertemu bulan.
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Friday, August 7, 2009


We got no vibe
From the first time we met
I tried to fit in
But it's just too hard

You were nice
You were care
But you don't love
You just stare
But you don't love
You just play

We tried so hard
I like you I don't deny
But to love you
It's just a different game

You were nice
You were care
But you don't love
You just stare
But you don't love
You just play

I got you when I need
I sleep with your smell
But we're just loner
We stand by each
I'm waving goodbye
I'm welcoming a new love :)
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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ngepost dari hp lagi, karena iseng. Eh masa ya, gue kan abis nonton Public Enemies, and you know what? Gue ketiduran aja gitu dari tengah film sampe mau abis. 10 menit sebelum filmnya abis lah. Sadis kan? Btw, I really want to watch Up! Udah deh, see ya
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