Friday, August 13, 2010


Baby I'm not sure if this is love.

There it is, there's a point that you could reach and that's the point of emptiness, but emptiness with you surroundings by people, persons. It's like you have him, you have her, you have anyone you want to but you cannot talk to them. None of them just would not understand. They knew you since you were 8 maybe, they knew you for years, but you just cannot talk to them. They wouldn't give the answers of your unimaginably questions. Yes, question with (s), a.k.a. Many questions.

The situation is, she has a boyfriend, she may call him a best friend, but she couldn't talk to him with heart. He just wouldn't understand. The world they're living is separated by line which very bold and no one could break it. She loves him, she needs him, she wants him, she likes him, so much. She wants him to be the first person in every her morning and the last one in every her night, but somehow he doesn't the one that she wants to talk to. She needs the other guy who would understand, by heart.

You know, you have questions, you know the answers, but you need other person to spill it to you. You want them to tell you this and that. Or the simple conclusion is, you don't want to solve it alone. You need partners. Or one is enough, you need a partner.

Are they just dead bodies with no soul but could walk and talk?

Well, is that true that your trusted friend is yourself only?
Your best friend is yourself only?
Then why would us need anybody else?

Guess what I want to say is... please do understand me. Sorry for being too complex. I'm just using difficult words to understand...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


New house. New room. New hair!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home yet?

I've just finally moved to my new lovely house.
What's new is now I'm living with someone called "Dad".
Three years without having someone called "Dad", I may say was my 3 years of freedom. So does my mom feel.

I told you, I live with my mom and that's fine rather than having more strangers with me.

picture stolen from postsecret

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Saya mau tinggal di rumah pohon

Hari ini ulangan biologi. Alhamdulillah ulangan biologi paling mudah yang pernah gw jalanin. Cuma dapet kesempatan kilat buat belajar dikarenakan malemnya gw malah hura-hura nonton konser All Time Low yang hujan bra itu di Tennis Indoor Senayan. Cuma belajar satu setengah jam kurang karena sempet ketiduran karena ngantuknya pol banget. Sampe gw harus ngetweet "Ngantuknya apa-apaan nih" (oke ga penting).

Jeng jeng jeng. Waktunya ulangan biologi. Langsung caw ke lab biologi yang enjoy dingin dingin empuk. Masih duduk ngacak nih, gua tau sih kalo bakalan duduk sesuai absen, gua juga tau kalo absen 16 itu di paling depan, tapi gua masih pengen nggak percaya. Tapi ternyata... "Yang barisan depan absen 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36" Selamat saya ucapkan seperti nama biskuit.

Ternyata... ulangan berjalan mulus sekali! Walaupun ada yang nyontek 1 sih, yang soal etiolasi itu. Sumpah gw lupa banget, gw kira ada hubungannya sama air atau apa gitu, taunya yang tumbuhan tumbuh di tempat gelap. Hapal mati lah itu! Sama nomer 2 overheard gitu dikit, dikit kok, suwer, lagian jawabannya sama kayak gua.

Nah, sampailah ke soal nomer 7. Gw lupa soal aslinya, pokoknya intinya "Kalau kamu ingin hidup berdekade di rumah pohon dan kamu membuat rumah pohon di bawah cabang pohon, apakah rumah pohon itu akan ikut tumbuh seiring dengan pertumbuhan pohon tersebut? Jelaskan jawabanmu! (skor 15)"
Gua jawab nih kalo ga bakalan ikutan tumbuh, soalnya jaringan meristem yang aktif membelah itu ada di ujung atas batang, jadi yg dibawah gak ngaruh.
Pas ulangan udah selesai, gw cabs ke belakang, gw diskusi sama Ella soal ulangan barusan, tiba-tiba doi curhat...

"Lo tau soal nomer 7 kan? Yang tentang rumah pohon? Lo tau gak gw jawabnya apa? Gw jawab kalo: Itu sudah diperhitungkan oleh arsiteknya, jadi tidak mungkin ikut tumbuh, semuanya sudah diperhitungkan oleh arsitek yang baik."

Gua diem.

Dia lanjut.

"Kalo Demmy jawabnya: Pokoknya saya nggak mau tinggal dirumah pohon, bu."

Gua cabut.

Sakit perut.

Sekian review ulangan Biologi hari ini, selamat menikmati makan malam anda.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Everything is not enough

L is Lencist. L stands for love.

Kesan pertama dari kelas ini pas awal masuk: Bodo amat masuk kelas mana yang penting cepet naik kelas cepet lulus toh.

Awal-awal masih seperti kelas 10, dateng sekolah paling cepet, pulang sekolah paling cepet. Ya sekolah cuma sebagai suatu kewajiban yang harus dijalani. Cuma buat ngabisin waktu yang ternyata nggak usah diabisin juga akan habis sendiri. Hal itu berlanjut sampe akhir-akhir semester 1. Mulai deh keluar asli-aslinya.

Semester 2: I can hardly describe the situation with words. It was way beyond great. I was having a really good time with them.

Bingung juga mau posting apa. I'm not good as a writer.

Moment paling berharga: Turboplast & Pagelaran.

Betapa niatnya para lelaki untuk latihan bola plastik di Tanah Mas demi menangin Turboplast. Jadi inget masa-masanya nonton futsal di AXC. Inget masa-masa kalah mulu kalo main di AXC tapi Alhamdulillah bisa jadi juara 2 di Turboplast 2010. Kangen pas hectic-hecticnya rapat dimana mana, nagihin uang pagelaran, latihan di SD-nya Sandra yang dapet makan gratis ayam bakar enak :) Rapat dirumah Pak Ketua Asto di Rockwell a.k.a. Kodam Sumur Batu. Ngerekam video dimana mana. Ngerasain angkat-angkat drum, ampli, dll untuk keperluan pagelaran. Bahkan Yaris gw ngerasain ngebawa drum :) Inget waktu sujud syukur di lapangan gara-gara Lencist masuk final. Masa-masanya di kelas ketawa-ketawa doang nggak pernah belajar di barisan belakang.

Kangennya... Maksimal banget.

The truth is. Time is running fast. And it won't turn back.
And our moments, won't come again.
The laughs, will never be the same.
Even the tears, won't be like they used to.

Niatnya mau nulis panjang-panjang tapi gak kuat kayaknya. The feeling already take the control of me, I should turn this laptop off and go to sleep, feel our togetherness again in my sweet dream. I miss us.

Thanks for accepting me as your friend, thanks for letting me in, thanks for all the lesson that you taught me, thanks for everything, even everything is not enough.

Kesan terakhir dari kelas ini: Semoga kelas 12 kita sekelas lagi. You've made a serious mark on my heart, a lovely one :3

Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh.