Wednesday, April 29, 2009


(I know it's sounds 'norak' but only God knows how happy am I)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Frans Aditya Triestanto

4 years been friends. I call it best friends.
Share smiles, tears, stories, laughs, hugs, etc.
I love you, F.
You are my diamond.
You're my best friend for life.
Wherever we are now, we're connected.
Frans is a good boy
He is kind
Clever, funny, handsome
I know that we're meant to be
You and I, together forever
Best friends for life


Thursday, April 23, 2009

I <3 my life

image source : secretary.tumblr

I love my life, don't care how much boring it is.
I love my life, even I know I have to face many bad things.
I love my life, even it's only black and white.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What is the answer of.............

image source : maii

I think I have to free myself.
Choosing another.
Selecting another.
Someone asked "do you want to spend the rest of your amazing teenager life with only one person?"
And then I'm freeze.
I can't answer that.
I can't find the best answer.
Not even close.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


image source : icanread

I wish that you are so flexible, so I can put you in my pocket. But, I want you to be big enough to be hug :')


Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you'd gone
And let the world spin madly on

Everything that I said I'd do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on

I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
The night is here and the day is gone
And the world spins madly on

I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on

The Weepies - World Spins Madly On

just remember our project, love


Monday, April 13, 2009

There's no point of regretting

After reading someone's blog. I've just realized something. Being away from home is not a good thing. You will lose many things. Your bed's warmness, you're favorite room (it's suppose to be your own room), you're favorite tv spot, and so on. And being away from Indonesia is actually not a good thing. You can't find many foods as much as in Indonesia. Indonesia is a rich country, and I love the foods. Hell yeah, maybe I love Japanese food, or maybe I love European food, or maybe America. But where you can find those foods as cheap as in Indonesia? Sushi is still expensive even you eat that in Japan.

Oh God, I know I'm gonna miss gado-gado or soto ayam and others. But, life is moving right? I have to go out from Indonesia. No! Not in purpose of abandoning Indonesia but in purpose of get more education out there to build Indonesia for better Indonesia. This country needs changes. Am I rite?

I have to live my senior high time now. I can't feel any regret that I have choose sman 21 to stay in. There's no point of regretting rite? I'm still stay in this school, don't care how many times I cry, don't care how long I shout. My duty just to live this. 2 years left to college. I have to prepare myself. Being away from home is not easy, so I have to prepare from now. Yes, I have to prepare.


She's killing me, quitely

I'm so freaking tired. No need to explain, this biology stuffs are really complicated. Porifera, Choelenterata, and Vermes. Oh God! I believe, if my biology teacher is Mrs. Elis, I won't worry as much as this time. Oh no no no, Nurmaya is killing me -_-

Kenapa sih ulangannya harus essay?
Kenapa sih harus banyak bahannya?
Kenapa sih gak pernah ada yang dapet 100?
Kenapa sih gue harus ketemu guru kaya gini?
Kenapa sih?
Gak adil -_-

I want my junior high school times back. Please come back. I don't want to graduate from junior high school. I want my freedom. How can I study kalo gurunya tuh kaya mau makan orang? Ngeliatnya aja udah keki. Ya hari gini gitu, be a friend with student. Ini malah jadi musuh bebuyutan. Huaaaa, ganti kek gurunya. Curhatan seorang murid yang teraniaya nih.

Hari ini dua orang guru nggak masuk. Kok asik sih? Sekolah kaya gini aja terus hahaha. Iya sih gue gak pinter-pinter tapi kan yang nggak masuk juga bukan guru yang pelajarannya heboh. Ya kalo masih pelajaran santai bisa lah gue (sombong parah). Ah udah ah, back to biology stuffs. Ya Allah, semoga saya dikasih kekuatan untuk mengingat dengan cepat. Terimakasih.

Quote of the day
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
-Burton Hills


Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's hard to believe, but I couldn't see

Hari-hari menjelang kenaikan kelas sebentar lagi datang. Kok asik sih? Gue pengen cepet-cepet kelas 2, trus kelas 3, trus lulus deh. Kuliah di Belanda. Oks bambang. Oh iya, harus daftar LIA nih, biar TOEFL gue diatas 600 jadinya kan bisa masuk jurusan Media. Hihihihi, asik ya kerja di majalah.

By the way, I have to wait until UN is finish. After that, we (read: me and Alwin) can meet as much as we want. Ya kan sayang? huahauhauhaa.

Aduh bete nih gue, sepatu yang gue pesen itu yang gift from myself itu, sakit amat dah dipakenya. Harus pake kaos kaki nih. Atau gak, I have to wear band aid gitu to cover my wound. Hmmm, reminiscing word "Wound" jadi inget waktu pertama ketemu Alwin (kok gue gak nyambung?). Ya gitu deh, Sakti nulis kata "Wound" gitu di lirik lagunya. Ya secara tulisannya 'bagus', ya gue gak bisa baca deh hahahahauhauahuaa.

Eh eh kok gitu sih? -___-" eh gue mau bikin band (ngikutin tren) hahahaha. Kaya The Weepies gitu berduva. Sama Alwin dung dung tek. Tapi ntar abis UAN, doakan ya kk. Canda -_- udah ah, gak jelas gue.

See you on the next post.


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Black is magic
Black is magic by icaaci featuring James Perse tank tops

I want every little thing on it :-(

The Gifts - Angel and Airwaves

The gifts for my birthday :

1. Brown flats shoes, they're from me!

2. Statement Necklace, it was from Ella (my chair mate)

DIY studded thrift vest, plain white shirt, thrift short jeans

3. Leopard Scarf, it was from Nadia (my junior high best girl)

thrift dress jeans

4. Heart Shaped Necklace, it was from Vania (my junior high best girl)

thrift dress jeans

Thanks a lot for those gifts. I love love love them :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thank You Cassandra, Keisha, Frans, and Ellen for those surprises.
You're really made that day beautiful.
And also Alwin Muhaimin for that video call thing.
Get well soon my bunny.
By the way, I'm 16 now and I'm not afraid of it.
Thank you for Diniella for my very first gift ;-)

April, 7th 2009


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Get well soon my beloved

Disuruh posting tentang hari ini sama alwin. Hari ini gue sekolah seperti biasa. Yang bikin beda, dari pagi sampe sore, Alwin gak sms gue sama sekali. We have some problem. Karena dia lagi sakit, gue berinisiatif untuk jenguk dia. Gue ajak Sakti juga sekalian. Dan akhirnyaaaaaaaaaaaa...... kita berangkat. Eh pokoknya gini deh, gue ke McD gading nunggu sakti jemput, trus baru kerumahnya Alwin ganteng.

Nyampe dirumahnya, gue kan turun tuh dari motornya Sakti, trus mau masuk kerumahnya eh tapi gue balik lagi, gue takut ketemu bokapnya Alwin hehehehe. Aku malu. Trus setelah Sakti masuk, ya gue ikutan masuk trus salim dulu duecc. Trus pas masuk rumahnya, gue ketemu nyokapnya dulu sama Ridwan. Salim dulu sama nyokapnya Alwin. Trus katanya disuruh masuk aja ke kamarnya Edwin, soalnya Alwin lagi tidur disitu. Yaudah, akhirnya Alwinnya kita bangunin decc. Dia kaget gitu haha, tapi si Alwin ganteng ga langsung bangun maca, udah bangun, eh tidur lagi, trus bangun lagi, tidur lagi, gitu deh agak freak ya emang lo Alwin ganteng.

Trus abis itu ngobrol-ngobrol deh. Alwin badannya gak panas-panas amat ya tapi hawanya anget banget, gue sama Sakti bisa sekalian menghangatkan badan hahahahaha apasih. Eh katanya si Alwin mau dibawa kerumah sakit, mau dirawat aja gitu. Tapi Alwinnya ketakutan, takut diinfus hehehe. Setelah menunggu beberapa saat (beberapa jam maksud saya), kami (gue, Alwin, mamanya Alwin, bapaknya Alwin, dan Sakti) berangkat ke RS Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading. Jam 7-an kurang gitu kayanya deh berangkatnya.

Trus sampe sana gue gak nunggu lama, soalnya harus pulang sendiri malam malam begini dan naik taksi. Yauda, eke cabut aja gitu jam setengah 8-an. Dan menunggu kabar selanjutnya lewat sms dari Sakti dan Alwin.

Oh iya, hari ini Sakti baik deh hahahahaha makasih ya Sak mau direpotin sama gue wakakaka. Ya pokoknya hari ini biar capek dan gue jadi sakit tapi tetep aja gue seneng bisa nganterin Alwin ke rumah sakit. Hehehehehehe. Cepet sembuh ya Alwin ganteng ;-)

Oh iya, minta doa buat Ella ya. Dia abis kecelakaan, tapi alhamdulillah gak kritis sih. Minta doanya ya semoga Ella dan Alwin cepet sembuh. Makasih.

Oh iya satu lagi, Alwin gak keterima ITB. Gpp kok yang, kan udah dapet Telkom. Hehehehehe. Kuliah pake seragam.


(post tentang ulangtahun nyusul ya, gue capek banget soalnya)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I want lenovo idea pad!

Alwin gak keterima di UI katanya. I don't feel anything. I wasn't sorry for him, don't know why. I know that it isn't his future college. Hehehehe. By the way, last saturday night was great for me. Went to sency with Ellen, Frans, Dhimas. Then, met Nadia and Vania there. Ate sushi tei and also sour sally twice ;-) Took lots of photos at night (around 10 pm). Back to Ellen's home, actually we wanted to do some karaoke, but Ellen can't operate that karaoke stuffs, so we're just lying and sleeping. Until, Vania's mom came and picked us to home. Whoah, what a tired night. But awesome.

I texted alwin one long message (8 parts) and he read it when he open up his eyes at morning and he texted me back. I love you, win :-)
Alwin, hari jum'at aku ngerayain ulangtahun aku, kamu dateng ya jelek. Udah lama gak ketemu tau. Lama bangetttttttttt.

By the way, my birthday is coming. 7th April. Tuesday. Hmmmm, I'm waiting for the gifts! Hahahahaha kidding

Friday, April 3, 2009

Alwin cepet sembuh dong please

Alwin lagi sakit sekarang................... cikunguya sialan..........................
Gimana ulangtahun aku yang?
Kamu cepet sembuh dong...............................
Udah di doain mulu masa gak sembuh-sembuh............................
Dosa aku banyak banget apa ya? Sampe doa aku ga dikabulin sama Allah....................
Kamu gausah ngasih kado yang, dateng aja pas aku ulangtahun............................
Itu aja deh kadonya, biar gratis........................
Paling bensin doang........................
Bayar dikit gpp ya yang..............................
Sembuh dong yang........................ masa ga sekolah2 sih.........................
Masa kita gak ketemu-ketemu sih........................
Dulu pas aku masih smp, ketemunya seminggu bisa 3x.........................
Sekarang jadi 3minggu sekali deh.............................
Kita gak asik nih sekarang.........................
Aku gak mau sma deh yang kalo gini.........................
Tapi emang asikkan smp kok yang.....................
Cepet sembuh dong win.......................
Sakit mulu kan gaenak..........................
Gakbisa ketemu aku......................

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

I took this test from adani's blog. And I think it's match enough for me ;)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My birthday is coming and new alfalink

I remember about someone's post. He wrote that he met his girlfriend and he said "She's lovely today". Geez, don't you think that it's so cute? Well, I think that it's cute. I met Alwin for the last time at Sunday, March 16th. And when we were seeing face to face, he said "Kamu kayak ibu-ibu aja deh" -______________-" okay, not all the boys are same.

By the way, my birthday is coming hehehehe. And as usual, I want to make birthday wishlist!
Okay let's start
  1. I want a lenovo s10 ideapad. In any color. I don't care.
  2. I want lots of accessories ! Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, or any others.
  3. I want a new pair of shoes.
  4. I want a leopard doll. I saw it long time ago, but I'm still remember how soft it's hair.
  5. I want a new iPod. iPod classic 120GB would be greaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
  6. I want to have vacation by myself to singapore. Hahahhaa haven't been there. Poor me.
  7. I want Alwin give me a very lovely surprise hahahaha.
  8. I want my Junior High friends to back at one school together.
  9. I want a new dslr camera.
  10. I want many gifts from my friends and family. Hhahahahaha.
I think they're too much. Hahhahaha. But, it's okay. It's only a wish, well, I'm hoping that they could come true.

Yesterday, my mom bought ALFALINK!
Ha-ha-ha. Thank  you mom. It means a lot for me. I want this so bad ;)