Sunday, October 11, 2009

How I Love To Be Me

Well, I'm not sad of being un-pretty. I'm not shy to look into the mirror and looking to my face. Hell yeah, I'm not pretty. I don't care which my face is too dry or too oily or whatever. I don't see that myself perfect. But at least, inside my heart, I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to see anybody hurts because of me. I wanna make anyone happy. Happy because of my attention. Happy because of my act. Happy that I'm around.
And thank God, I have this smart brain. Well, maybe I'm not the smartest person in my class. But at least, I'm good on every subject. I'm a fast learner. And I have a big curiosity (in positive way).

Thanks God, for made me this way. For made me like this. I'm so grateful to be like this. I know this is the best for me. Thanks God :D

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