Monday, July 12, 2010

Will you marry me?

Menikah. Should I or shouldn't I?

Semua orang pasti pengen nikah. Ada sih beberapa yang mungkin gak pengen (including me), tapi pasti sebagian besar orang pengen nikah. To have someone for eternity. To raise children together. To live happily ever after. Once, I've posted about my dream wedding. Tapi sekarang? I changed my mind. Gw punya cita-cita baru. To live my life by myself without someone called 'husband'. Pengen jadi wanita karir, sukses kerjaan, pensiun muda, buka usaha, keliling dunia. Simpel. (Ya iyalah siapa juga yang gak mau el).

I know I'll change my mind after next one or two months, but this is me now, this is what I'm thinking.

Sebenernya gw bukan orang yang begitu independent even I always force myself to be like that. Gw deket sama seseorang secara instan gw bisa bergantung sama dia. I have a boyfriend now and I'm like counting on him every second (I wish I don't). Tapi gw berusaha banget untuk tidak begitu. I'm working on it. So, I decided not to marry anyone. To live my own life with my own rules, because Joey doesn't share food ; -)

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