Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sometimes, you need back ups

I went out just to get some foods and a cup of coffee.
On my way out there I've been thinking.
Do I need a person called boyfriend?
I watch a movie a half way (haven't done it when I was on my way out), it says
"Life is just like a tv show. Guests come and go, but finally you end up alone"
That's true.
You're best friends is yourself. So why do you need anyone else?

I'm having such a good time with myself. Sufring on the internet. Reading some books. Enjoying a cup of latte. Watching Dvds. Sleeping without anyone buzzing me off. So do I need anyone to disturb me? The answer must be "No". A big NO.

But when I reached home. I continued watching the movie that I haven't finished it yet.
It says "Couples aren't future. You need back ups."
So if two persons aren't enough.
Then just alone is completely not enough too.
This makes me thinking.

Keep thinking...
Keep thinking...

Until I publish this post,
I still don't know what is the best answer.

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