Monday, June 22, 2009


Banyak orang yang putus. Gue gak ngerti gimana perasaan mereka. Kalo gue sih masih sedih. masih berkabung. Tapi untungnya, gue udah berhenti nangis. If I'm crying again, I really should stop. Gue nggak pernah mempersiapkan buat sedih kaya gini. Eh tapi kejadian aja gitu. I really had no clue. Ya, emang sih people come and go. Tapi tetep aja, I need someone to settle. To stay beside me (he told me that he will stand right beside me, but what do I have to expect?). Gue sedih aja gitu, he really get over me. Geez, 17 bulan. Itu lama banget loh. We've been through everything. Tapi cuma dengan beberapa hari he really get over me. Sedih banget.

Eh ini susah banget buat dijalanin, help me out dong. Ajak jalan kek keluar kota keluar negri dua bulan. Bayarin tapi -_-"

The one that you love the most may hurt you the most
He did that to me


Ayuthia Alsya said...

hello ellya, we are really on the same position here, haha.

Arinsky said...

Icaa. Remember me? Hehe arin nih ca. Baca novel divortiare deh ca disitu ada kata2 "kita cuma bisa di sakitin sama org yg kita cintai". Cocok banget sama keadaan km skrg ryt? Hauhauhua nyambung aja ya ca :p

Ellya Nuraisyah said...

ayuthia : how do you feel about ur situation? :)

arin : ingeeeeeet dong. hehehe. itu novel terjemahan apa indonesia rin? ahahhaa ya, the one that u love the most may hurt you the most. haha gpp nyambung2 aja. lumayan, masukkan :)