Friday, March 13, 2009

Another Hope

The lists :
1. Nikon D40. I want this, okay.
2. Lenovo IdeaPad S10. I think I need this. I don't have any notebook. So lame :(
3. New iPod. My first iPod was when I'm in eight grade. And it's iPod 1st generation and it's only support 1GB. I had it because I won it ;)
4. LG KS360. I like it, I'm not hoping to have it because I still love my P1i.
5. Webcam. Do I have to say more?
6. Headphone. I just want it, maybe I will buy this on this sunday. Probably.

There's so much wishlist that I've made, but there's none of them come true :(



Yunevialkha said...

duuh ica,banyak banget yg lo mau. udah gitu barang "berharga" semua..

Ellya Nuraisyah said...

iya nih, gue banyak maunya. mana mahal2 bener lagi dah huh

Yunevialkha said...

tenaaang gue bantu caa. kan gue udah beli tas lo. tar kalo tas lo udah jadi,gue promosi ke sodara'n temen2 gue haha

Ellya Nuraisyah said...

hahaha sip deh adin. pesen 50tas deh. kaya deh gue langsung haha